N头条>英语词典>social disease翻译和用法

social disease

英 [ˈsəʊʃl dɪˈziːz]

美 [ˈsoʊʃl dɪˈziːz]

网络  社会疾病; 社会病; 艾滋病被冠以社会疾病; 花柳病; 花柳医生





  • A good work of social security of occupational disease is of great significance to protect laboring security and laborer health, to maintain the stability of society, to further economic development.
  • The priority which we should take of is to remove the enormous social stigma attached to the disease.
  • The deep influence of the concept of ghosts of people who died of disease and other superstitious ideas on the social custom, treatment of disease and religious development as well as on the relationship between Tang poetry, disease and the then social background can also be seen.
  • With the change of the social environment and the disease spectrum, people 'requirement and demands of health service have been changed greatly, and so has been the health service supplication and utility.
  • However, when the various media are filled with reports which related to the "Virtual Social Dependence Disease", we found out that the virtual communication has became the netizens 'lifestyle, and has became the indispensable thing in their normal life.
  • In order to effectively combat and combat corruption, it must cause of the phenomenon of corruption and re-examine and analyze the quasi-pulse, right, find this social vicious disease prevention measures.
  • Wang Meng and Lu Xun is good at excavating the social question equally, and carring on the critique to the feudal culture and social chronic disease, its meaning is also consistent with Lu Xun, is for the attention which causes cures.
  • A study on methods to measure the social burden of disease and their significance
  • Leprosy is a chronic and consumptive social disease.
  • Nostalgic theme is attractive though not simple. Its attraction is contained in its own contradictions and fuzziness: nostalgia can be a kind of social disease, but it can also be creative emotion.